Design and validation for high-power systems, function critical and high precision components
Huygens Engineers provides design and validation for high-power systems, function critical components and high precision mecha(tronic) components. Testing and validation is often part of an assignment. We can realise the full process in-house: starting with concept design, moving to technical specification and detailed design, and closing the loop with a first prototype build. We usually transfer IP rights to the client.
“From concept design to technical specification, detailed design to a first prototype"
High power systems
Generators, turbines and marine propulsors with their electrical or mechanical drive are usually heat and fatigue critical. Huygens Engineers is experienced in the meticulous analysis of fatigue through advanced simulation methods. The same applies to heat production and the associated cooling required. Control at individual or array level, converters and grid interfacing is part of the available experience. This allows for high-quality designs that remain affordable, compliant with the required codes.
Function-critical components
Huygens Engineers regularly receives assignments to design components that combine a number of functions in an environment with challenging access, volume or material constraints. Thanks to our experience with the widely varying projects, and indisputable creativity of some specialised team-members we are able to realise challenging combinations of functions with a degree of efficiency.
Precision mechatronic components and measuring set-ups
When micrometric precision or high-precision physical measurements are a determining factor, the design process must consider the effects of various types of spread (thermal effects, tolerances, load, control) in the implementation. Our simulation and calculation methods play an important part in this.
When our clients work with product families, it is often crucial to take a modular approach to building. Huygens Engineers will simplify and standardize as much as possible in this regard. By automating technical drawings and sometimes also simulations, the client can easily adjust the design drawings to reflect new requirements and changing parameters.