RfG compliance verification by testing and simulation
As owner of a generating installation (wind, sun or combined) or a BESS you have a legal obligation to comply with the requirements of the European Regulation 2016/531. These requirements ensure the safety and reliability of the grid. To allow connection to the grid, your registration must be approved by the grid operator. This is either the DSO or TSO, depending on your project type.
It is the expertise of Huygens Engineers to assist owners of a generating installation or EMS unit with this procedure at the grid operator. The procedure varies depending on the type of installation.
The European Regulation 2016/531 is further specified in the RfG, DCC and Netcode Elektriciteit. The requirements apply to both the commissioning and the entire lifespan of the installation.
RfG type definition chart
Power-Generating Modules type B, C and D according to NC RfG and Netcode elektriciteit"
Version 2.0
Valid from 1 April 2024
Netbeheer Nederland
Type A: Equipment Certificate
For OEM’s, Huygens Engineers evaluates suitability of the power conversion system for compliance with RfG/PGMD. We will design and execute a validation program in cooperation with the chosen notified body. The process will be tailored to the project at hand; each country has slightly different implementations of the standard.
Type B and C: Power Generating Module Document (PGMD)
For project developers, Huygens Engineers checks completeness and consistency of the data for the various components, performs the necessary simulations, draws up the necessary PGM Documents for the DSO and performs validation measurements and reporting. Furthermore, Huygens Engineers will assist the customer in technical coordination and in bottlenecks encountered.
Type D: Verification by testing and simulations (EON, ION and FON)
For large installations where Tennet is involved as TSO the scope of work is substantial. The list of necessary activities, involving a large number of reports, includes data collection, extensive simulations and all corresponding validations. The work process involves three main steps: EON, ION and FON, as described in the standard.
Huygens Engineers performs all the necessary activities and delivers all reports for these steps. Furthermore, Huygens Engineers will assist the customer in technical coordination and in bottlenecks encountered.
Relevant software: DigSilent Power Factory (PF), PSSE, PS CAD, CADMATIC.
The technical scope, procedure and coordination with TenneT for type D is elaborate and may require one to two years. For an efficient procedure, Huygens Engineers can assist in an early stage of the process by specifying the information that suppliers must provide in their delivery contract. Huygens Engineers also routinely assists in checking the proper sizing of elements to avoid potential reduction in Pmax.
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